O, emir, in the name of Alpha, The Compassionate, The Digital, we await our dramatis personae to emerge from the Bardo. One entity must choose which form to incorporate into.

Perhaps the entity will manifest in Orion Arcularus, Master Vespilologist, a jolly naturalist in a goggle-eyed biosuit, venturing through insectoid realms, cataloging dangerous steppeland lifeforms before their evolution into devouring swarms.

Or maybe the entity will reincarnate in the guise of The Seamless Nonadice, a Porcelain Saboteur, shifting personas to aid the caravan while seeking freedom from the Princes' hive mind.

Or, mayhap, as Anjin, the Sifter of Lore, a wandering sage, navigating the steppe to uncover truths behind a black crystal obelisk.

Or the entity will reconstitute as Korm “Sixpatch” Varoxi, an eccentric medic, brewing folk remedies and seeking his origins while making money and enjoying life.

Only Alpha, the creator, knows.