🍿 Nosferatu (2024) - ★★★★★

Eggers does something that no other vampire has succeeded at: our antagonist looks genuinely undead. Not only that, our Nosferatu is the embodiment of death.

Nosferatu poster

🍿 The Town (2010) - ★★★☆☆

Another heist movie inspired by Heat, this time set in Boston, which has never looked better. I avoided Charlestown as much as I could because of characters like Gem. Not that living in Southie was much better. You had to be street smart in Boston.

The Town poster

Kult: Divinity Lost, Dramatis Personae

Wexley, Grayson, and Flower.

Bryce Wexley walks the streets unseen, name stolen, face worn by another. He speaks of secrets but the world does not listen. The thing that follows him does not sleep.

Nicholas Grayson believed in order, but the truth is a thing that does not abide by laws. He guards an artifact, though he does not know if it is meant to be kept or set free.

Belle Flower moves through wires and shadows, a ghost among machines. She runs, but she does not know from what.

Finished reading: Generation Hex edited by Jason Louv 📚

Finished reading: No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy 📚

Ruminating on No Country for Old Men

The last few weeks, I’ve been knee-deep in Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men. The book moves quick. The film quicker. A thing full of stillness and yet always in motion. A meditation on what it means to move through this world. To bear it. Hard truth laid bare. Some heavier than others.

If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?

What you got ain’t nothin’ new. This country’s hard on people. You can’t stop what’s coming. It ain’t all waitin’ on you. That’s vanity.

People complain about the bad things that happen to em that they don’t deserve but they seldom mention the good. About what they done to deserve them things.

If the rule they followed led them here, led us to our current predicament, then what good was the rule? What good are any rules? What good are mine?

Corruption. Suffering. Tragedy. None of it is new. But a man lives through his own time and thinks no other could have been worse, that the world’s never been darker. He isn’t right, but he isn’t wrong either.

We take luck for granted. Blessings too. Spend our days fixated on the wound. A little light seeps through now and then, but it doesn’t last. Coming from McCarthy, you’d be a fool to trust it.

Anyway. You take care now.

The Uber I’m in smells foul. I can’t place the scent. Body odor and day-old mayonnaise, maybe? 🤢

Very cool that Octavia Butler is part of the New Children’s Museum.

Finished reading: Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino 📚

🍿 Den of Thieves (2018) - ★★★★☆

Big fun dripping with testosterone.

Don’t really appreciate you popping off.

Den of Thieves poster

Spaceman Kaison and the Mystery of the Lunar Base!

Rodrik Voidclaw, Captain of the Space Pirates!

In a universe of infinite adventure, one boy dares to go where no one has gone before!


⬅️ Previously on Spaceman Kaison and the Mystery of the Lunar Base, Spaceman Kaison plunged into darkness! Seized by monstrous tentacles, he fought for survival in the abyss beneath the Moon! With the aid of the lost Captain Blazer, he escaped—but the alien horror stirred! Lieutenant Vega reprogrammed an army of robot miners, but Rodrik Voidclaw plotted his revenge! Can they stop the invasion?

Spaceman Kaison and the War for the Moon!

The battle rages in the heart of the Moonbase 🌖! Captain Blazer 👩🏽‍🚀, ever the crack shot, takes aim—his laser pistol fires 🔫! The energy bolt severs the cables above Captain Rodrik Voidclaw, and with a deafening CRASH!, a heavy supply crate slams down upon the treacherous space pirate!

Rodrik is captured! But victory is fleeting!

From the shadows of the Moonbase, the towering metal menace known as Brutus, Rodrik’s unrelenting security robot 🤖, marches toward Captain Blazer, its crimson optics gleaming with malice! But before it can strike, a sharp cry rings out!

“Over here, you tin-plated terror!”

It is Spaceman Kaison 🧑🏽‍🚀, our daring hero! Brutus swivels, locking onto Kaison, its heavy steps pounding against the metal floor. The machine raises a mighty steel fist, but Kaison is faster—he leaps! He clings to the robot’s back, prying at the panel that guards its power core!

Brutus thrashes! With an inhuman strength, it hurls Kaison into a wall, sending the spaceman reeling. But Kaison is undeterred! With a final desperate lunge, he reaches into the machine’s core—and pulls free the battery!

Brutus shudders! Sparks fly! The mechanical brute collapses in a lifeless heap!

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Vega 👩🏽‍🚀, our brilliant strategist, has done the impossible—her robot forces breach the Moonbase! With military precision, the mechanical legions storm the halls, lasers flashing in all directions! But the ground trembles beneath their feet…

From the abyss, the tentacles rise!

🐙 Grey, writhing mechanical appendages, slick with cosmic horror, slither free from the pit! The Tenebrai, long dormant, are waking!

And then—a new villain enters the fray!

Through the smoke and chaos strides Ivan Krang, first mate to the late Captain Magnus Voidclaw! Cloaked in a flowing crimson cape, his black spacesuit gleaming under the flickering emergency lights, the sinister tactician surveys the scene.

His sharp mind assesses the battle in an instant. Outnumbered. Outgunned. He reaches for his communicator 📱—”Doctor X! Our foes control the robots! The Tenebrai are waking!”

But before he can send the warning—BLAST! A single shot from Spaceman Kaison’s pistol shatters the device! The communicator tumbles from Krang’s hand, its audio crackling as the voice of Doctor X shrieks in frustration:

“What’s going on?!? Krang? Krang!?”

But there is no time for answers!

Captain Blazer acts! With a mighty heave, he rips an electrical cable from the wall! Sparks erupt as he plunges it into the pit below—SHZZZKKKT!!! Energy courses through the abyss! The tentacles writhe, some exploding in a shower of vile green ichor!

Lieutenant Vega, eyes ablaze with tactical insight, issues the order:

“Robot miners! Concentrate fire! Take them down!”

The machines obey, raising their laser rifles—and unleashing devastation upon the remaining Tenebrai!

Beneath the crushed crate, Rodrik Voidclaw seethes with fury! He demands Krang free him! But Krang hesitates. He serves only the Captain of the Space Pirates. And Rodrik is not his father!

Rodrik snarls: “Spaceman Kaison killed my father! And I am Magnus Voidclaw’s heir! I am Captain of the Space Pirates!”

Krang watches him carefully… then, with a curt nod, he agrees.

But as soon as Rodrik turns, Krang strikes! With the butt of his pistol, he knocks Rodrik unconscious! Scooping up the fallen pirate, Krang dashes toward the last remaining spaceship, his mind set on escape!

Doctor X shrieks for answers! But Krang has abandoned his communicator!

The Final Escape

The Moon shakes! More tentacles explode from the pit—hundreds of them!

Captain Blazer sees the writing on the wall. “This fight is lost! We must escape!”

But someone must stay behind. Someone must command the robot miners in this final, desperate battle.

Kaison clenches his fists. “No! We can’t leave Vega behind!”

But Vega, ever the hero, knows what must be done. She places a steady hand on Kaison’s shoulder. “You have to go. I’ll hold them off.”

A fire burns in Kaison’s eyes. But he knows—there is no other way. “Stay safe,” he says.

Elsewhere in the base…

From the shadows emerges Doctor X! Her scarlet medical robes flow like blood, and around her skitter her mechanical spider-drones 🕷️, clicking and chittering eerily.

She faces Krang. “Where is my patient!?” demands.

Krang, the opportunist, smirks. “Rodrik is unconscious. If you want him, we leave—now.”

Doctor X bares her teeth. She is furious—but she knows he is right. With a flick of her wrist, her spider-drones scuttle forward, lifting Rodrik’s limp form onto their metal backs.

From the hallway—A WAR CRY!

Spaceman Kaison LEAPS! With a mighty FLYING KICK, he slams into Doctor X, sending her sprawling!

Krang wastes no time—he grabs Rodrik’s unconscious body AND Doctor X, hauls them both onto the last remaining spaceship in a desperate attempt to blast off!


The robot miners fire relentlessly into the pit of tentacles! But can they stop the full awakening of the Tenebrai?!

Will Ivan Krang escape with Rodrik Voidclaw and Doctor X?!

Can Spaceman Kaison, Captain Blazer, and Lieutenant Vega survive?!?

Stay tuned for the thrilling finale in… SPACEMAN KAISON AND THE ESCAPE FROM THE MOON! ➡

We’re using Fate Accelerated to tell our adventure.

🧑🏽‍🚀 Spaceman Kaison


🛡️ Careful: Average (+1)
🧠 Clever: Fair (+2)
✨ Flashy: Fair (+2)
💪 Forceful: Good (+3)
⚡ Quick: Mediocre (+0)
🕶️ Sneaky: Average (+1)


☒ ☒ ▢


Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):




High Concept: TBD
Trouble: TBD
Other Aspects: TBD


🚀 Hold My PB&J: Once per session, I can automatically succeed at an Overcome action involving Flashy piloting, as long as the action is particularly bold or reckless (e.g., docking at breakneck speeds, pulling off a barrel roll under fire). This stunt comes with a complication—I must deal with stress or consequences to my ship afterward.

👩🏽‍🚀 Captain Blazer


🛡️ Careful: Good (+3)
🧠 Clever: Average (+1)
✨ Flashy: Fair (+2)
💪 Forceful: Average (+1)
⚡ Quick: Mediocre (+0)
🕶️ Sneaky: Fair (+2)


☒ ▢ ▢


Mild (2): malnourished
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):




High Concept: Seasoned Survivor Trapped on the Moon, Driven by Duty and Grit.
Trouble: His overwhelming sense of duty to protect others sometimes leads him to make reckless decisions that endanger himself and those around him.
Other Aspects: Even in the darkest moments, Captain Blazer uses humor to lighten the mood and keep morale high.


🌐 Tactical Advantage: Because I am a seasoned space captain, once per session I gain a +2 to Carefully create an advantage or overcome a situation.

👩🏽‍🚀 Lieutenant Vega


🛡️ Careful: Mediocre (+0)
🧠 Clever: Good (+3)
✨ Flashy: Average (+1)
💪 Forceful: Average (+1)
⚡ Quick: Fair (+2)
🕶️ Sneaky: Fair (+2)


▢ ▢ ▢


Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):


High Concept: Determined Space Officer Haunted by Secrets of the Moon .
Trouble: Independent and cautious nature often make it hard for her to rely on others, even in dire situations.
Other Aspects: Her intelligence is matched by her quick wit, though her bluntness can rub people the wrong way.


💻 Hacker: Because I am a space spy, I gain a +2 to Clever attacks when hacking a computer.

🍿 The White Viking (1991)

I’ve slowly been making my way through Hrafn Gunnlaugsson’s Raven Trilogy and this is the best of the lot! Bonus: it was great to see Helgi Skúlason not play a psychopath for once. Read my full review here.

The White Viking poster

🍿 Manhunter (1986) - ★★★★★

Still holds up.

Manhunter poster

Sometimes it rains in San Diego.

Approaching the bus, headlights reflected off of the rain-slicked sidewalk.

Finished reading: Trees Vol. 1 by Warren Ellis 📚

🍿 The Substance (2024)

This flick has style; I’ll give it that. It also has a lot to say about ageism, beauty, and misogyny, but the splatterpunk robbed the potency of that commentary—at least for me.

The Substance poster

🍿 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (1956) - ★★★★★

I put off watching this movie for months because the first two in the trilogy, beautiful as they are, were a slog to get through. Third time’s a charm! My review for VIKINGS vs SAMURAI goes out Friday.

Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island poster

Finished reading: Usagi Yojimbo, Book 1: The Ronin by Stan Sakai 📚

Finished reading: Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferriss 📚

🍿 mother! (2017) - ★★★★★

I avoided this movie because I knew I’d need to be in the proper headspace to watch it. I’m amazed that in the years since it was released, I avoided all spoilers and watched mother! without knowing a thing about the movie. Days later, I’m still pondering the experience.

mother! poster